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Pickie Is A Personalized Shopping Magazine Based On Your Friends’ Social Mentions


Today at the TechStars NYC Demo Day, Pickie launched onto the scene. At its core, it’s an iPad magazine that is totally personalized based on all brand mentions from friends and the people you follow. Nothing’s stronger than the power of word of mouth, and with social networks abounding, bringing those personal recommendations online only makes sense.

On Pickie, shopping with the help of your favorite blogs and friends becomes super simple. The layout is somewhat Pinterest-esque, with category tiles for Home Goods, Arts, Gadgets, Furniture, Crafts, Gifts, and Clothing. Once you’ve clarified the categories you’re interested in, Pickie pulls in only viable products that have been recommended or mentioned by your friends.

Content is broken up into four different verticals. Social content is only the content your friends have been chatting about, whereas trending content offers up the most popular items within your categories. Pickie also includes editorial pages compiled by the Pickie team, along with a Discover page. The more Pickie learns about you, the better the Discover page will look to you.

In essence, product data and social data are coming together within the well-designed app to make purchasing that much easier. Any product you click on will display a price, availability, and anything your friends have said about it.

The service is launching on the iPad, where 90 percent of mobile shopping goes down. Revenue comes in through sponsored products, marketing in a natural way to users without being intrusive.

Pickie is currently in the process of raising a $1 million seed round.

Check out all of the cool stuff that came out of TechStars NYC Demo Day here.

Read more : Pickie Is A Personalized Shopping Magazine Based On Your Friends’ Social Mentions

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