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Amazon Updates Kindle For iOS, Android And Cloud Reader To Support Comics, Children’s Books With Improved Readability


Until now, periodicals like comic books were only available to Kindle Fire owners but that all changes today. Amazon has made sweeping changes across the lineup to bring children’s books, graphic novels and comics to Kindle for iOS, Android and its Cloud Reader.

Amazon touts that they now have over 1000 comic and children’s titles available to Kindle users. Children’s books, for example, utilize the Kindle Text Pop-Up feature for easier reading, if the title is supported. A panel by panel view dubbed Kindle Panel View is also available for comics and graphic novels where supported.

iOS app users can now search their library of goods by title and those reading on the iPad now have smaller margins to help ingest more words. Android tablet owners and those using Cloud Reader or those with widescreen displays will also see an improvement in readability with a two-page view.

Kindle for iPad

Kindle for iPhone

Kindle for Android

Read more : Amazon Updates Kindle For iOS, Android And Cloud Reader To Support Comics, Children’s Books With Improved Readability

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