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New Version of Amen App Unleashes Its Location Data Goodness

‘The best and the worst of everything’ app Amen has hit ‘one Million Amens’ says the startups and is about to start releasing all the data its collected. The “Explorer Release” that is available on the Appstore as of this morning allows for a more topical browsing experience and is much more location aware.

New features include:

• Explore Nearby – You can get insider tips on an area.

• Explore Cities (beta) – Check out what’s being said about places in New York, Tokyo, Berlin and San Francisco in real time. This also means you can say “Hell No” and dispute with someone from the respective city.
• Explore Categories – With this you get things such as new movie reccomendations. You can browse through Music, Art, Travel, Food and more.

Co-founder Felix Petersen told us exclusively: “Hitting one Million Amens is a great millstone for us and shows the continuing engagement and activity of the community. We started with a simple and fun service to post opinions but releasing that data into the wild for the user’s benefit was the plan from the beginning.”

He believes the Explorer Release will show the the power of the structured data approach. “It reduces mental complexity of choice and is a radically different experience from overbearing recommendation sites. When you go to Lisbon you don’t want reviews for ALL the restaurants, you want the Top 5 and the best of the best. You want less not more. The same goes for movies or books.”

The ncheck the release out and let us know what you think in the comments below.

Read more : New Version of Amen App Unleashes Its Location Data Goodness

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