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Tablet Users Are Geezer Couch Potatoes, Says New Report

New research shows that tablet owners are more likely to be older – and far more interested in consuming content than producing it. Those demographics blow holes in popular tablet-as-PC-replacement theories.

Smartphone Users Like Tablets

The insights come from a report last week from market analyst comScore, which also shows that nearly one in four smartphone users also used tablets during the three-month period ending April 2012. A hefty 23.6% of smartphone users reported using tablets, while just 10.4% of feature phone owners had used tablets.

The report didn’t offer direct evidence of why smartphone usage was predictive of tablet usage, though some educated guesses could be made.

First, you’d expect smartphone adoptees to be more interested in tablets. Second, the iPhone’s onscreen keyboard demonstrated to consumers that a decent computing device didn’t have to have a mouse and a physical keyboard. Finally, smartphone users might be more interested in tablets because of

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