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GoPro’s New WiFi BacPac + WiFi Remote Combo Kit Will Let You Control 50 GoPros At Once

GoPro product shoot

What’s better than one GoPro camera? Two, naturally. But what about 50?

Well, control over 50 GoPro Hero cameras is exactly what you’ll get with the freshly announced WiFi BacPac + WiFi Remote Combo Kit.

The combo will allow you to WiFi-enable both your HD Hero and HD Hero2 cameras, a la BacPac, which is an attachable casing. Then, the WiFi Remote will go with you wherever your creative and sport-tastic desires may lead, including underwater, to control up to 50 GoPro cameras at a time from up to 600 feet.

The BacPac will also allow you to control just as many cameras from your smartphone or tablet, as soon as the GoPro App is available. The company promises it’s “coming soon.” The app will then allow you to not only control the cameras, but live preview and play back videos and photos taken with your GoPro. You can also transfer content from the GoPro to your smartphone or tablet via WiFi, as well as livestream GoPro content direct to your phone.

To celebrate the launch, GoPro paired up with skater Ryan Sheckler who skated through Manhattan with 50 GoPros set up along his path. The result is this:

The Wi-Fi BacPac + Wi-Fi Remote Combo Kit is now available for $99.99 on and other various retailers in the U.S. and Europe.

Read more : GoPro’s New WiFi BacPac + WiFi Remote Combo Kit Will Let You Control 50 GoPros At Once

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