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Hands-On With The Romain Jerome Space Invaders Watch For High-End Gamers


People keep asking, “Why would anyone of sane mind buy a $17,000 luxury watch with a Space Invader’s theme?” If you are familiar with the Swiss watch brand Romain Jerome – you don’t need an answer. They are the people that brought you pieces such as the Titanic DNA (with metal from the actual titanic), and the Moon Dust DNA (with yea… real dust the from moon and metal from spare parts of the Apollo XI). So a “luxury licensing” deal with Taito Japan isn’t that odd.

Based on the Moon Invader watch collection, the Space Invader pieces come in a few color styles with a special three-dimensional dial designed to look as though it was built from pixels. The cases are in black colored steel and 46mm wide. Inside the watches are purely mechanical. Limited to between 78 or 8 pieces per version, this is an ultimate lifestyle accessory for the guy who grew up gaming and has now really made it.

You can see more images here but you may have to insert another coin – and another and another – to pick this thing up at a jewelers.

Read more : Hands-On With The Romain Jerome Space Invaders Watch For High-End Gamers

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