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It’s A Post-PC World: Amazon Adds Laptops, Netbooks To Trade-In Program


We’re living in a post-PC era, which means you likely have a few laptops/netbooks you’re looking to toss out in exchange for a shiny new mobile device. That said, Amazon’s trade-in program has recently included laptops, notebooks, and netbooks to its eligibility list.

The process is pretty simple.

Head on over to and do a search for the products you want to get rid of. Once you’ve chosen the correct model, you’re asked to label the condition of the device: like new, good, or acceptable.

From there, you’re given the necessary information to send in the device, and once it’s received by Amazon, you’ll be given the specified amount in store credit, direct to your online account.

Of course, there are plenty of other trade-in programs that will accept your old gadgetry, including Gazelle and But for those of us who spend a lot of time shopping on Amazon, this seems like one of the more convenient routes to take.

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Read more : It’s A Post-PC World: Amazon Adds Laptops, Netbooks To Trade-In Program

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