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Apple Wants Immediate Ban On Galaxy Tab 10.1 In The USA


On Friday May 18th, Apple filed a motion for a U.S. preliminary injunction against Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1. This follows a ruling by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Northern District of California), siding with Apple on the question of whether Samsung is in violation of an iPad-related design patent (U.S. Patent No. D504,889). According to Foss Patents, the source of this story, the request could be valid and is likely to be upheld.

Samsung has until May 25th at high noon to respond. (OK not really…about the high noon thing).

What does it mean though? Will the Galaxy Tab 10.1 disappear from U.S. shores if Apple emerges victoriously with their injunction?

Not necessarily.

First of all, let’s remember the sheer scale of Samsung. They have the legal and financial fortitude to at least see this thing all the way through.

Secondly, a valid ruling doesn’t spell the end of the line, but more likely a technical redesign. However this could definitely affect revenues because of necessary manufacturing changes but it doesn’t mean a Coup De Grace on the line.

Foss paints the picture as more of an embarrassment for Samsung.

[via Foss Patents]

Read more : Apple Wants Immediate Ban On Galaxy Tab 10.1 In The USA

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