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Facebook: What Are The Main Player’s Shares Worth?

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Trading has now begun on Facebook after a bit of a hiccup with NASDAQ, and while the numbers are nowhere near the heady heights of $70-$100 that some people were murmuring earlier, the $42.05 opening figure is still 10 percent higher than the $38-per-share price set by Facebook yesterday. At the time of this writing, it is trading a bit lower, at $40.

In Facebook’s S-1, the company listed how many shares main players were set to sell at listing time. Based on a share price of $38, here are how the values are coming out. The first number is the value of the shares they are selling, and the second is the value of their remaining stake in the company:

  • Mark Zuckerberg: $1.5 billion ($19.14 billion remaining)
  • Dustin Moskovitz: $285 million ($4.8 billion remaining)
  • Peter Thiel: $848 million ($852 million remaining)
  • Mark Pincus: $4.1 million ($158 million remaining)
  • Sean Parker: $42 million ($2.27 billion remaining)
  • Reid Hoffman: $412 million ($138 million remaining)
  • Jim Breyer: $125 million ($320 million remaining)
  • Accel Partners: $2 billion ($4.72 billion remaining)
  • DST Global: $2 billion ($3 billion remaining)
  • Goldman Sachs: $1.25 billion ($1.25 billion remaining)
  • Greylock Partners: $332 million ($1.06 billion remaining)
  • Elevation Partners: $202 million ($1.32 billion remaining)
  • Group: $857 million ($1.28 billion remaining)
  • Meritech Capital Partners: $306 million ($1.23 billion remaining)
  • Microsoft Corp.: $287 million ($959 million remaining)
  • Tiger Global Management: $1.03 billion ($1.02 billion remaining)

These numbers come via Fortune.

At $38 per share, Facebook’s market cap is about $81 billion based on a trade of about 484 million shares. As CNN points out, if all the shares owned by Facebook employees get exercised, that will go up to 2.8 billion and the market cap would be about $107 billion.

We will update the value of the remaining shares for the shareholders above based on FB’s share price at the close of the market later today.

Read more : Facebook: What Are The Main Player’s Shares Worth?

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