oAuth sucks, everybody agrees on that. However it manages to suck less than the alternatives. That doesn’t make it any easier to implement though. Laurynas Karvelis is attempting to tackle that very problem with his latest github repo, “Zend-Simple-Repo“. Here’s a quote from the readme.md to give you the what and the why.
This library contains Facebook oAuth2 Authentication adapter and basic Facebook Graph API library. The project was inspired by two projects on GitHub -> Zend_Auth_Adapter_Facebook and Facebook-PHP-SDK-for-Zend-Framework
Both were lacking either beauty of code or were just incomplete. So after whole day of digging and hacking the code I decided to come up with my version.
If you work (play?) with Zend Framework 1 and Facebook, give this project a try and see if it eases your oAuth pain. As with all good github projects, the author is looking for contributions. Get out those forks and start sending in pull requests!
Read more : Laurynas Karvelis creates Zend_Simple_Facebook
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