Not content just to be your source of 140-character communications on the web, in its desktop app and on your mobile device, Twitter is now trying to creep into your email inbox. Twitter announced on its company blog Monday that it is launching an email digest, which will highlight Tweets that you might not have otherwise seen.
The email digest, which will start appearing in users’ inboxes over the next few weeks, is designed to emulate the “Discover” tab in Twitter’s mobile apps. The idea is to feature the “best” content that appears on the network, even if it was written or promoted by folks you don’t follow.
Users can see which of the people they follow might have favorited or retweeted messages that appear in the digest, by clicking on “View details.” They can then favorite, retweet, or reply to those tweets themselves.
Frankly I’m not sure how valuable this weekly email digest will be… After all, what’s the life span of the average tweet? Then again, that’s probably the point — by sending out a best-of weekly digest, Twitter is extending the relevance of messages which might have otherwise gone unnoticed. And hey, if you don’t like it, you can always turn it off.
Read more : Twitter Now Putting Tweets In Your Inbox With A Weekly Email Digest
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