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Droid RAZR Maxx Cut To $199 At Verizon Wireless, Source Says RAZR Price Cut To Follow


Watch out for falling prices! Verizon Wireless just cut the price of the RAZR Maxx to an attractive $199. That puts it on par with the iPhone 4S and Galaxy Nexus, making the 32GB iPhone 4S and BlackBerry Bold 9930 as Verizon’s only phones north of $199. Interestingly enough, even though the standard-strength RAZR was on sale for $99 the last two weeks, Verizon Wireless actually raised the price back to its MSRP of $199. However, that might be changing rather quickly according to our sources.

As it sits with both phones at $199, there isn’t a single valid reason to opt for the original RAZR over the RAZR Maxx. Sure, the original is slightly thinner, we’re talking just 2mm here, but the RAZR Maxx’s bigger battery more than compensates for the trivial difference in thickness. Despite some software bugs we found the RAZR Maxx to be a competent LTE handset.

Verizon is coming off a very successful promotional sale with the RAZR. The retail cut the price in half for the two weeks leading up to Mother’s Day. Our source indicated that in at least his store, the RAZR outsold the iPhone with the lower price. Verizon Wireless even quietly cleared out the remaining 32GB RAZR models for just $99 during this sale. We’re hearing Verizon is preparing to drop the price permanently on the RAZR, which shouldn’t come as a big surprise. The phone is already available through Motorola for $99 on-contract.

Right now there are a conflicting reports about the status of Android. Some say Android is winning and some say the iPhone is dominating. Either way, aggressive pricing such as this could turn the tide towards the former.

Read more : Droid RAZR Maxx Cut To $199 At Verizon Wireless, Source Says RAZR Price Cut To Follow

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