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Top 10 Windows 8 Features #7: Client-side Hyper-V

Server-side virtualization is a modern-day fact of life. Today’s data centers pool their processing, storage and even network resources to create macrocosmic virtual-machine entities that transcend the boundaries of hardware. We call that “the cloud.”

With Windows 8, Microsoft extends its server-class hypervisor platform to the desktop. And no, it’s not just a play for enthusiasts and testers: There’s a solid reason for Hyper-V to become the backbone of future Windows versions.

In this 10-part series, 26-year veteran Windows tester Scott Fulton walks you through the best features, faculties and functions of Windows 8.

No. 10 : Refresh and Reset

No. 9: File History

No. 8: Storage Spaces

Being on someone’s Top 10 list, no matter whose it is, does not guarantee you permanent prominence. Put another way, you wouldn’t have to go back very far in time to find an example of a technology feature that seemed make-or-break

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