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Sean Parker’s Stealth Video Startup Airtime Ready For Launch At June 5th Press Event

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Airtime looks to be finally ready for takeoff, as Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning’s stealth video startup just put up a blog stating “We look forward to saying hello on June 5th. Sign up to be first in line.” Airtime took a limited round of pre-registrations last month but is now letting people sign up for early beta access.

No one’s sure what exactly the startup does, though many believe it will help people interact through live video streaming.

Here’s the invitation I received to attend the June 5th press event. In what’s likely an effort to stem speculation, it’s just a bare-bones card.

So far the only official details about the product’s purpose are from the Airtime site’s tiny home page blurb:

“Located in San Francisco, our small team shares a passion for using the latest video technology to bring people together. Our investors include Founders Fund, Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Google Ventures, SV Angel, Yuri Milner, Ashton Kutcher,, Scott Braun, and Michael Arrington.”

Read more : Sean Parker’s Stealth Video Startup Airtime Ready For Launch At June 5th Press Event

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