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Viewbix Raises $2M to Bring Interactive Videos to SMBs


Israeli-based Viewbix is announcing a Round A of $2M led by Canaan Partners, with participation by Longfellow Venture Partners.

Viewbix makes it really easy and quick to create interactive videos that are augmented by various features such as eBay listings, Skype buttons, and Twitter feeds.

From our previous review of Viewbix, here’s a recap of how it works:

Step one is to select an existing video. ViewBix currently supports YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook video.

Step two is to customize the player in terms of colors, size, call to action, etc.

Step three is really where the promise of ViewBix resides: interactive features that can be easily added to videos, including music, additional videos, photos from services such as Facebook, Flickr & Picasa, and more. The ones I found most compelling for small businesses are the ability to include a Twitter feed, eBay auctions, coupons, and Skype integration.

Once the player is created, it can be embedded and shared anywhere, including inline on Facebook. It will even display in HTML5 on mobile devices (iOS and Android).

Checkout a demo they created for TechCrunch Disrupt, here.

The premium version of Viewbix, which includes additional customization options and apps, is priced at $19.95/mo. The first 250 TechCrunch readers who want to try the premium version for free should go, here.

Also, for those of you planning to attend Disrupt in NYC, Viewbix will be demo’ing in the Israeli Pavilion.

Read more : Viewbix Raises $2M to Bring Interactive Videos to SMBs

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