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iOS 5.1.1 Update Addresses Bugs With Camera Shortcut, AirPlay, And Network Connections

Screen shot 2012-05-07 at 2.49.10 PM

Plug in your iDevices people, because Apple just released an update.

It’s a minor one, to be sure, but brings about some rather helpful bug fixes. Most notably, you should no longer receive the “Unable To Purchase” message when buying digital content from the iTunes or App Store.

There have also been some complaints about AirPlay video playback, which will be resolved with iOS 5.1.1, as will a bug that prevented the new iPad from switching between 2G and 3G networks. The update will also improve the reliability of using the HDR option for pics snapped with the Lock Screen camera shortcut.

It’s been two months since Apple released iOS 5.1, which added the swipe to open camera function and fixed a few call quality and battery life bugs.

As previously mentioned, this certainly isn’t the most exciting thing we’ve seen come out of Apple, but an upgrade is an upgrade. So go ahead and plug in your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch and get your update on.

Read more : iOS 5.1.1 Update Addresses Bugs With Camera Shortcut, AirPlay, And Network Connections

Posted in Apple, Web.

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