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Look Out Pair, Cupple Is Out To Break Up This Cosy Private Sharing Party


While Pair are popping champagne corks at their funding round today, they better not swig too much bubbly because tomorrow they may have to check out their rear-view mirrors. Co-founder Oleg Kostour seems to think the company’s closest competitor in the ‘private sharing’ space is Path. He’s basically wrong, but then he lives in the Valley echo chamber, so he’s excused…

Cupple is, frankly, at least as excellent a private sharing app for couples app which actually launched before Pair (and has an equally good name). Its had steady growth since November after being featured on the Apple in the Date Night section of the US store iTunes store (iTunes link).

Currently talking with investors, both Angel and VC, we gather the startup is poised to close a round in the next couple of weeks.

The private sharing app is, like Pair, designed specifically for two people in a relationship. It allows you to share content privately, build a gallery of photos together, message, tag favourite locations, create a timeline of memories and moments, send and collect ‘Stickers’ and remember places you want to go.

Currently 70% of their users are in the U.S. and a just launched version now has integration with the Foursquare API.

Pair has five founders compared to Cupple’s two. Let the best pairing win!

Read more : Look Out Pair, Cupple Is Out To Break Up This Cosy Private Sharing Party

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