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New iPad Ship Time Improves To 3-5 Days At


The new iPad is nearly two months old and it’s still not available for immediate shipping from Apple. However, the wait time just improved to less than a week. now lists all the new iPad variations with just a 3-5 wait time. Happy days.

“[We’re] selling as fast as we can make them,” said Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer said on last week’s earnings call. The iPad is clearly a hit and up until now, buyers had to wait more one or two weeks when purchasing from Apple’s online store. Unfortunately buyers in overseas markets will still have to wait more than a week.

US buyers have other options besides, though. Best Buy, Target and Walmart stock and sell the new iPad within their brick and mortar stores but a quick online search reveals that the stores have a limited amount of stock as well. The Apple Store is also a good bet.

This is par for the course. It generally takes several months for the iPad and iPhone demand to dip down to realistic supply levels. Until that happens, buying one often requires patience and blinders. Yeah, Best Buy might have a whole warehouse full of Android tabs available to take home immediately, but trust me, the iPad is worth the wait.

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