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A Galaxy Note In T-Mobile Trim Spotted In The Wild


It seems the Samsung Galaxy Note really is headed to T-Mobile. A pic showing a T-Mobile-branded Note was just posted on TmoNews somewhat confirm a report from earlier this week. The phone here had the standard assortment of T-Mobile apps including T-Mobile Name ID, T-Mobile Mall, T-Mobile TV and My T-Mobile. This thing is for real.

T-Mobile has been hurting for a killer device for sometime. The Galaxy Note could help the carrier regain a bit of its swagger even though it will likely carry the same $299 price as the AT&T version. Of course there still isn’t a projected release date but it’s probably right around the corner.

The Note has been a bit a surprising success for Samsung. The company sold three million of the massive phones during its first three months on the market. Even though it’s a massive the device, for better or worse the Galaxy Note is something different from the rest of the nearly identical Android handsets.

Read more : A Galaxy Note In T-Mobile Trim Spotted In The Wild

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