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  1. Freelance Camp and Other Conferences for Freelancers September 30, 2010

    Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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  2. Your Freelance Office: 6 Places to Beat the Heat September 30, 2010

    Posted in Business, Freelancing, General, Web, Web Design.

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  3. 50 Great Web Alternatives to Desktop Software on Web.AppStorm September 30, 2010

    Posted in Business, Freelancing, General, Web, Web Design.

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  4. Freelancing & Caring for Family September 29, 2010

    Posted in Business, Freelancing, General, Web, Web Design.

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  5. Why the FBI’s Surveillance Proposal Could Be a Disaster for the Cloud September 29, 2010

    Posted in Editorial Pick.

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  6. Is IT-as-a-Service the Culmination of Cloud Computing? September 29, 2010

    Posted in Business, Editorial Pick, Popular, Technology.

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  7. From Ideation To Creation: Ponoko’s Sci-Fi “Making System” September 29, 2010

    Posted in Editorial Pick.

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  8. Wikipedia Explores Peer-to-Peer Sharing for Video Distribution September 29, 2010

    Posted in General, Technology.

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  9. The Feds Want to Make Web Wiretapping Easier September 29, 2010

    Posted in Technology, Web, Web Design.

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  10. New iOS App Makes Using GeoPDF Maps Fun (Screenshots) September 29, 2010

    Posted in Apple, Technology.

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  11. Firefox Home Expanding to More Devices, Becoming Social September 29, 2010

    Posted in Technology, Web.

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  12. Mobile App Helps Breast Cancer Patients Understand Their Diagnosis September 29, 2010

    Posted in Editorial Pick, General.

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  13. How One Small Business Increased Web Traffic by 300% With Real-Time Analytics September 29, 2010

    Posted in Business, Popular.

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  14. Iran Gives “Blogfather” Longest Prison Term Ever for Blogger September 29, 2010

    Posted in Editorial Pick.

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  15. British Library Digitizes the Hellenic World September 29, 2010

    Posted in Editorial Pick.

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  16. Open-Source Search: Application Centric and a Way to Big Data September 29, 2010

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  17. AOL Acquires Team Lead by Google Reader Creators September 29, 2010

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  18. A Cross-Section of the Y Combinator Process September 29, 2010

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  19. Dot Obits: Geekportation and Talking Computers September 29, 2010

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  20. Wikileaks Officials Quit Over Iraq War Doc Release September 29, 2010

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  21. Twitter Goes Live with Real-Time Streaming API September 29, 2010

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  22. Hulu Plus Bringing Subscription TV to Roku Set-Top Streamers September 29, 2010

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  23. Twitter Passes Myspace to Become Third Most Trafficked Social Network September 29, 2010

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  24. SwitchTip: 6 Apps for Freelancing on an iPad September 29, 2010

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  25. Closer Look: Rise of the Data Scientist September 29, 2010

    Posted in Uncategorized.

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